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Danielle Sales

"My dream was to work with ELT books. Renata was very important in this process: she gave me many tips and precise guidance".

ELT Editor

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Tatiana Martins Santana

"Renata helped me start my career as an ELT author in 2018. Her previous experience as a textbook writer was extremely important".

ELT Editor

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Bruna Ferreira

"I wanted to change career (...) I didn't know the educational market offers a lot of different positions." "Now that you helped me find my way, it totally changed my life."

English Teacher

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Fernanda Aniz

"Renata has a great experience, she has a great knowledge because she already had all the experience in the careers that she mentions in the program. She knows what she is talking about".

Bilingual Teacher

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Samanta Malta

"This group mentoring program has been above my expectations. Being part of Renata's program helped me be aware of my potentials and the possibilities in the educational market".

Coordinator & Materials Developer

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Magueda Lopes

"She invited me to learn a little bit more about the editorial work and it was a great experience". If you want to learn about it, I'm sure Renata will do a great job with you."

Educational Coordinator & Editor

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Priscilla Jarra

"We worked together in a school. I was the coordinator and she was the director. I learned even more than what I knew about being a coordinator." "For some months now she's teaching me again how to do business as a teacherpreneur".

Teacher & Teacherpreneur

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Bruno Andrade

"Renata gave me this plethora of ideas and suggestions on remote learning. I think that Renata is a very committed professional. She puts a lot of effort in everything that she does. She is an expert in reading strategies and she's also a great teacher".

Teacher & ELT Author

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Felipe Augusto Matos

"Renata is a very skilled, committed, and a brilliant professional." "She helped me to develop as a professional. She taught me a lot about how to edit a book, how to plan and manage a project".

Editorial Assistant

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Renato Malkov

"Renata had a major impact on my professional life as she was the person to introduce me to textbook editing and helped me a lot in the beginning of the job, sharing her own experience as an editor with me."

English & Arts Textbook Editor