Rejane Martins

Rejane Martins

Project Description

Transitioning from EFL to ESL when teaching abroad

This is teacher Rejane Martins, a School Improvement Coordinator. In this testimonial, she shares what she has learned by having Renata Chimim as her mentor. She also shares how Renata helped her achieve her goals in her professional career teaching abroad.

“When I decided to apply to become an exchange teacher in the US, Renata would spend hours on end with me guiding me through the process. Later, she became my local advisor and her guidance was vital in transitioning from EFL to ESL”.

“She has guided me too when I applied for Leadership positions. Renata reviewed my resume, my cover letter, and provided me with some highlights in my career”.

Cases Details
  • Client:

    Rejane Martins

  • Location:

    Virginia, the USA

"When I decided to apply to become an exchange teacher in the US, Renata would spend hours on end with me guiding me through the process. Later, she became my local advisor and her guidance was vital in transitioning from EFL to ESL". "She has guided me too when I applied for Leadership positions. Renata reviewed my resume, my cover letter, and provided me with some highlights in my career".

School Improvement Coordinator